Continuous Professional Development Program


Continuous Professional Development

Click for 2021 Professional Development Programs!

Online Learning Hub

Online Learning Hub is an online book club designed for busy psychotherapists seeking to learn the nuances of working with family. The Learning Hub via teleconference offers a safe platform for therapist to explore their own encounters with the book encounters with the book chapters, cases in workplace as well as their own experience with family and social context.

Clinical Skills Training

Conducted by Dr. Ng Wai Sheng for practicing clinicians and trainee students, some of the topics covered includes: 
– Integrative Assessment 
– Projective Testing

– Recognizing & Responding to Suicide Risk: Core Competency Training

and many more

Therapist Retreat Program

Growing Space organizes a yearly retreat designed for mental health practitioners to explore the use of self in therapy. This is an opportunity for psychotherapists to discuss cases, ask questions, develop new understanding and skills as well as explore their own experiences that allows for personal growth and professional growth, all in a safe platform and environment.